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In 2022, Eau Claire North Strength & Conditioning received a major equipment overhaul. Thanks to the generosity of the Husky Booster Club, twelve racks were installed as one big rig in the center of our weight room. The racks were manufactured by Dynamic Fitness & Strength, a local fitness equipment company based here in Eau Claire. This improvement generated a lot of excitement amongst our athletes surrounding the strength & conditioning program.

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Not long after, in November 2022, nine more half racks were added to the outside to complete the Dynamic Fitness & Strength design. These racks were possible from a generous donation from the Ulrich Trust in support of our female athletes at Eau Claire North. These racks, in combination with the previous twelve, bring our total to 21 Dynamic stations (plus two extra Hammer Strength racks). The excitement surrounding the strength & conditioning program continued to rise as more teams and athletes became involved.

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Also in November 2022, the ECASD referendum went to vote and passed within the Eau Claire community. At North, the referendum includes a new weight room and an outdoor turf field. These projects are currently in the works and more information will become available as it is publicly released.