2023 Husky Combine
The Husky Combine has been a staple of the Eau Claire North Strength & Conditioning program for many years. Each year, hundreds of athletes register and compete in the Combine, making it North’s premier athletic showcase. In order to build on the rich history of the Combine while continuing to improve the event, several changes will be made starting in 2023 and are outlines below:
Rule Changes & Clarifications
- Athletes have one week to complete all events. If an athlete is not able to complete all events within the timeframe, they will not be eligible for any awards within the competition.
Strength-Based Events
- For the Power Clean, Bench Press, and Back Squat, an athlete can register as many entries as necessary to get their best possible score, but all entries must be completed within the same day. An athlete cannot come back later in the week to try to beat their previous scores in the lifts.
- All lifts must be coach verified, with standards outlined below:
- Power Clean: bar comes to a rest on the athlete’s shoulders in a front rack position. The athlete must be standing tall and demonstrate control of the completed lift.
- Bench Press: bar must touch the chest and return to a locked out position. Any of the following will disqualify an attempt: bouncing the bar off the chest, lifting up the feet off the floor, lifting the hips off the bench, spotter touching the bar at all during the lift.
- Back Squat: athlete must descend to a minimum depth of the hamstring being parallel to the ground. Any of the following will disqualify an attempt: questioning if the squat was deep enough, spotter touching the bar at all.
Athletic-Based Events
- For the 40 Yard Dash and Pro Agility (5-10-5), athletes may only register two total times. These times may be completed on separate days if necessary.
- For the Vertical Jump, athletes only get 3 attempts to get their highest jump. All 3 jumps must be taken during the same trial.
- All athletic-based events must be coach verified, with the standards outlined below:
- 40 Yard Dash: athlete starts behind the start line and finishes through the end gate. All times are fully automatic (laser-timed). Any error in the laser operation will give the athlete a re-run for their trial.
- Pro Agility (5-10-5): athlete starts within the laser in a 3-point stance and runs 5 yards in the direction of their down hand at the start, 10 yards back the opposite direction, and 5 yards through the original laser gate. Athlete must touch the line with their foot and hand. Any missed lines or attempt to use hands/arms to stop the laser early will disqualify the attempt.
- Vertical Jump: athlete’s standing reach height is subtracted from their highest jump height of 3 trials to obtain an official vertical score. Stepping into the jump at all will disqualify the attempt.
Testing Protocols
The Combine will incorporate the Belt System to establish developmentally appropriate testing protocols for all athletes. All belts will compete in the same events, but athletes of different belts will be aiming for different repetition-maximums. Athletes who compete using the one-rep max (1RM) testing protocol will earn direct points for their performance, Athletes who compete using the three- or five-rep max (3RM or 5RM) testing protocols will receive points based on their estimated 1RM in that event. As a result, athletes’ point potentials are exactly the same, regardless of their belt status and testing protocols. The protocol for each belt is highlighted below:
White Belt – 5 rep max
Gray Belt – 3 rep max
Black Belt – 1 rep max
Blue Belt – 1 rep max
Athletes who have not yet earned their White Belt are not eligible to compete in the Combine. These athletes should work to get their White Belt as soon as possible to participate in future events. Students who are not currently involved in the North Athletics programs are not eligible to compete as they are not involved in the Belt System.